Poll: Two-thirds of voters say billionaires should pay a wealth tax

It’s infuriating- Mormons require every member to pay 10% of their entire income to the church in tithing- starting at 8yrs old, the “age of accountability” (E.g. If I got $10 as an 8yr old, I’d have to put a dollar in an envelope and bring it to by bishop on Sunday) The interior of temples are made of pure gold, marble, crystal etc. And that’s just the modest temples I’ve been inside of. The leaders of the church are incredibly wealthy while they prey on the poor and desperate to convert and serve them. A vast majority of members are scraping by while the leaders dump billions into hedge funds and high end shopping malls and extravagant temples around the globe. They indoctrinate their members to keep them oppressed and continue to grow richer, just like government leaders

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