Polyamory is rapidly increasing in popularity, and may eventually equal monogamy as a lifestyle choice. If you are not already poly, how open are you to giving it a try?

Kat Blaque recently came out with a great video about people (usually women) who get dragged into polyamory by their partners, but aren't really happy about it.

That video really resonated with me because I've been in that situation. My ex cheated on me, and then... after trust and communication between us had totally broken down... tried to bully me into an open marriage by telling me that I wasn't "respecting her boundaries" if I was hurt that she'd slept with (and given money out of our shared account to) other people without my knowledge; she also said I wasn't "feminist" or "woke" if I liked monogamy. Kat Blaque, who is polyamorous, talks about how she's seen this kind of thing happen fairly often.

My ex was an abusive person with a lot of mental health issues, and intellectually, I know that many poly people are not like her, and that polyamory at its best is grounded in open communication and respect for each other's feelings. But the whole experience has left such a terrible taste in my mouth that I don't think I could ever try an open situation again.

Beyond that, I just can't imagine having the time and resources to have fulfilling relationships with multiple people, and still have time to care for myself. That lifestyle just isn't for me, and I'm not interested in a partner who lives it.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread