Polygon sends an ill-suited reporter to a Rock Band 4 preview event. He doesn't even play the game.

I was born in Haiti and grew up in different third world countries, there they have real issues and a real lack of social justice

I mean no offense, but saying you have it bad doesn't mean other peoples problems are not a big deal.

these made up first world "triggers" is very pityful.

Triggers are nothing new though, people on the internet treat it like it's something that was just recently made up by Tumblr or whatever, but it's been around for quite awhile. Some people go through a traumatic experience, like PTSD from fighting in a war, and sometimes even the most insignificant little things can "Trigger" somebody, make them remember some horrible experience, and have a breakdown.

Please tell me how the politics are related. There are real problems that are better deserving attention than video games.

So because there are larger issues, the smaller ones should be tackled? Gaming is a great hobby, but it might be hard for some to enjoy that hobby when there's games that are sexist or racist? Racism is still a huge issue today. Imagine being a minority in america, and you play as a game with a bunch of racist stereotypes, you like video games but you kinda want it to grow up a bit, kind of like how movies and comic books (mostly) have in the past few decades in comparison. You think video games can be above this, but instead people tell you "It's just a game man", just like how people said "It's just a movie" in response to all the negative criticism against "American Sniper", and then you look on twitter and facebook and see all these kids saying that the movie makes them want to kill some muslims or whatever. "It's just a..." is a poor excuse.

games are for escaping to another world, not to bring this world's bullshit along for the ride.

This is far from true though. It's very difficult to keep your own personal politics out of things. Even fantastical games like Skyrim and The Witcher have "Politics" with racism being a theme in both games, and then lets not forget the many, many modern military shooters where you're an american soldier in the middle east, world war 2 shooters, etc. If that's not political, I don't know what is.

/r/Games Thread Parent Link - tiredoldhack.com