Poor dude gets scammed

This shit really riles me up.

I remember working as a cashier and a girl around my age (so early 20s) came up to the counter with a giant stack of Steam cards (worth hundreds). Obviously that was super odd so I advised her that I would need a code from my supervisor to ring them through. When I returned with my supervisor we both began questioning her about why exactly she needed all these Steam cards and she let us know that she had the CRA on hold and they had advised her that there was an issue with her latest tax return and so she owed them x amount of money. Somehow I guess they had convinced her that she needed to supply this money through Steam cards (she must not have been a gamer). We had to firmly yet gently coax her into hanging up the phone because it was a scam and the poor girl was so terrified. I remember her trying not to cry and repeatedly asking "Are you sure? Are you sure? I don't want to get in trouble." It definitely encouraged me to always be extra vigilant as a cashier. :/

/r/Wellthatsucks Thread Link - v.redd.it