Poor little one

HUMANS ARE ALSO ONLY SUPPOSED TO DRINK THEIR MOTHER’S MILK. But if you drink milk all your life your digestive system adapts. If you stop for any significant period of time then you will outgrow the ability to digest milk. If you have a cat from when it’s a kitten, it’s absolutely perfectly fine to feed it milk all it’s life. If you find a feral adult who hasn’t been fed by a human, it’s probably lactose intolerant, because it’s no longer used to milk. Simple as that.

Many humans are lactose intolerant in America in particular (your milk is shit quality too which adds to this) but in Ireland where I live we have near enough 100% lactose tolerance because we are constantly drinking it growing up and we are generically predisposed to it.

I’m sick of these condescending know-it-all dOn’T fEeD yOuR cAtS mIlK comments from people who don’t know shit about biology. They’re always so aggressive about it too for someone who literally doesn’t know what they’re talking about, it’s funny.

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