Pope to Catholics: For Lent, give up trolling

That's one way of seeing things, but I'd like to believe that we simply need others to thrive. We are an inherently social species, people who experience extended periods of isolation tend to progressively lose their mental health.

The accountability that living in an interconnected society brings us also helps us to learn showing more empathy and consideration for other people, what are considered the qualities of "good people".

The Internet presumably connected people but it also created more isolation than ever, you are kinda here but no one knows you, cares about you and your actions matter don't really matter.

This kind of isolation can create unease that doesn't only translate to increasingly shitty behavior towards others but also leads to increasingly self-destructive behavior.

In short I think we simply need others to reach our true potential and as a guiding force (hopefully towards greater good).

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - reuters.com