Pope criticises ‘legalism’ after cardinals’ request for clarification

There is no error in AL. It can be read in a manner that would be inconsistent with Church teaching on the matters it presents. The Church teaches when that is the case, it is the interpretation of the document that is in error. In otherwords, the one interpreting the document in said manner is making the error, not the document itself.

Is AL an infallible teaching? No. But, the bishops and Cardinals in question know that it is possible to also interpret the document in line with the teaching of the Church and as such, could easily do so for the sake of their flocks.

When protestants interpret the Bible to say salvation is through faith alone, we do not have a problem pointing out what the Church teaches and stating their interpretation is incorrect. Likewise, with AL - if one tries to interpret it to say something the Church doesn't teach, they are in error. The Pope has not done that and when question about it states that. AL is not new marching orders for the Church. It is an exhortation on love.

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