Pope faces unprecedented opposition from within the Church for his appointment of a Bishop in Chile who covered up for Chile's most notorious pedophile. Holding Bishops accountable is one of main priorities of Pope's Sex Abuse committee.

Idols are things that are worshipped, these ruins aren't worshipped

It doesn't even matter, in reality. Do you know for sure that there isn't a single person anywhere on Earth, or in Iraq, who still venerates these statues?

But it doesn't fucking matter. Islam doesn't get to, say, go and destroy Hindu idols. It does not have the right to do that just because it believes that is wrong. Abraham was a jerk.

killing people who wont convert is not islamic, its murder, the highest degree of sin in islam,

Oh, so you're telling me that Islamic scholars are in agreement that people who are not Jewish or Christian have a choice to continue practicing their religion, rather than "convert or die"? Because that is objectively false, I believe it is shaifi and maliki fiqh that teaches that only ahle kitab (people of the book, Christians and Muslims) are allowed to live in the Islamic state.

All others are to convert or die. Did Muhammad not offer even those of Banu Quraysha who had not made a decision to fight, young men who could be called children, the choice to either join his death-cult, or be murdered? And then murder hundreds of people with his own hands? He did, as it turns out.

no such thing is enforced in islamic teachings and people like Daesh are bloodthirsty assholes asking for the world to hate them.

There are no Muslim writings that call for the death of apostates? It is a complete innovation when people say those who insult Muhammad should die? So Umar did not, in fact, behead and murder multiple people for perceived insults to Islam?

No, and no, islam does not allow slavery

Isn't it weird that the Qur'an repeatedly refers to slaves? That is exactly what "what your right hand posseses" means, slaves. It gives you permission to scold and rape them, actually.

on slavery is that its better it doesn't exist, it advises the release of slaves as being a very riotous act

That's weird, considering how many people Muhammad inslaved personally. So you're saying that Muhammad's companions are liars, then? Because Muhammad took hundreds of slaves, and when he attacked - unprovoked, I might add - the Persian and Byzantine Empire, once again he took slaves.

Fun fact, Umar was assassinated by a Persian slave who had sworn vengance after seeing children enslaved. Have a look: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piruz_Nahavandi

The only thing that it does to those who don't free their slaves is lay out a system to follow to ensure said slave has equal standing and rights as their owner and the owner cannot impede these rights and has to treat their slave as they would a family member.

That's funny, because I would say you would have to be a complete psycopath to enslave your family members.

That aside, Islam allows you to rape female slaves. Or are you so lost in your delusion that you think the wives of prisoners of wars would have sex with Muhammad's sahabi right in front of their husbands, only hours after being captured? And that women are so stupid and blind that they throw themselves at the feets of the murderes of their families, gushing wet? Female slaves are subject to rape. This is what Muhammad practiced, having raped his slave Maryam and others, and what his companions practiced. Muhammad was a rapist and so was his companions. Just like you'd expect from tribal Arabs.

islam does not actively teach us to go after and kill them let alone throw them off rooftops

Are you lying or ignorant?

I'm going to do something. I'm not going to bothered to censor this for you because you're stubbornly ignorant, so I'm going to give you a link. You're going to say, "But this source is anti-Muslim propaganda", and then I'm going to smack you over the head and tell you to click the actual links to sources that have nothing to do with the site and prove that this is, indeed, from Islamic teachings.

Here: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Homosexuality

But I still expect you to say, "ooh, wikiislam, bla bla bla bias". Because Muslims cannot accept a challenge to their faith. It is too weak for them to read criticism of their beliefs.

Education is the key to ending ignorance such as yours and Daesh's.

Actually, the key is for Muslims to become as wise as Jews. For Muslims to realize that if there is a God, they should be focused on pleasing him and becoming near to him, rather than going around telling and forcing others to be righteous. Islam is the best example in the world right now of "the beam in your own eye".

/r/worldnews Thread Link - innipegfreepress.com