Pope faces unprecedented opposition from within the Church for his appointment of a Bishop in Chile who covered up for Chile's most notorious pedophile. Holding Bishops accountable is one of main priorities of Pope's Sex Abuse committee.

So here we have:

  1. A red herring. "The idols aren't worshipped now, therefor it's not Islamic to destroy them." It's easy to quibble over the difference between "worshipped now" and "once worshipped," but that's beside the point. You never refuted his claim that "destroying idols is Islamic," you just said that's not what ISIS is doing. So I am under the assumption that you see destroying idols, as Mohammed did, to be A OK and in line with Islam.

  2. Killing those who don't convert is not Islamic. You say that it can obviously not be Islamic because most muslims in the world are not killing people, as if what's Islamic is determined by what "most" muslims do. If most muslims in the world started drinking alcohol and eating pork would that make those things Islamic? The reality is that most muslims in the world don't practice all of the contradictory things in their book to a T.

The fact that some things the Quran or Haddiths recommend are unpracticable today, doesn't mean those things aren't in there for people to take inspiration from. Even if there wasn't a single violent muslim in the world it wouldn't make these verses disappear:

Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”

Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”

Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

  1. Slavery. I don't know how you can say that the Quran does not allow for slavery when verses like this:

Quran 24:32:[24] "And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves.

And a host of other verses I could have added make it clear that slavery is a normal part of life which Allah never condemns and which the Quran offers regulations for. It is easy to interpret the verse I just pasted as being pro-slavery, it is impossible to twist it into a condemnation of slavery.

You compare slavery to "Communism, the Cold War, and the Great Depression." I don't know how you chose this mixed bag of random historical events/ideas but none of them are comparable to slavery because none of them is mentioned in the Quran. Slavery is mentioned, and never disapproved of. If I was an all powerful being who disapproved of slavery I think I could manage to be a lot more clear about it.

  1. Throwing gays off rooftops. Islamic jurisprudence allows for many different punishments for homosexuality but all scholars agree, it is an abomination and a crime. All they disagree on is how the person should be punished. You say that you believe that you are supposed to show kindness to disbelievers and homosexuals, which implies to me that you are more moral than the God that you worship. However in the Quran homosexuals and disbelievers are dehumanized and called "vile creatures." Don't be surprised when disbelievers read these things and think unfavourably of your faith.

If any atheist wrote a book which called muslims "vile creatures" it would rightly be regarded as hate speech. As for throwing homosexuals off the "high place" that punishment was decided by Ibn Qudamah, who many muslims respect.

  1. ISIS doesn't take Islam seriously. Now you are starting to strain credulity. Provide your evidence that ISIS does not take their religion seriously because in your previous comment you offer none. You just call them animals, which is not an argument. I have friends and even a girlfriend who say they are muslim while drinking, not praying daily, having pre-maritial sex, supporting queer causes, and essentially throwing the values of the Quran overboard in every sense, yet they insist they are still "muslim." Are you really telling me that they take Islam seriously and that it's IS who are being slack about it?

You call all the arguments against Islam the result of ignorance but your responses show either avoidance or ignorance of statements in your own holy text which cannot be interpreted in peaceful, respectful ways.

I find it encouraging that most muslims are like you and do respect people of other beliefs and sometimes even the horrible "disbelievers," but I don't see anything in the texts that implies that Islam supports you in this. Rather if a muslim and a non-muslim can become friends it is in spite of the things said in the Quran and not because of them.

You are absolutely right about education being the key. Education is key to ending all religious ignorance, whether it's moderate or extreme.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - innipegfreepress.com