Pope Francis at a loss for words as street child asks: 'Why does God allow children to suffer?'

the laws of physics? So god is bound by the laws of physics?

I don't see why not. We're talking about the kind of intervention, where, as you say, God would stop a tornado. I mean... how is that going to happen? If there is such a thing as miracles and providence then it has to work in such a way that it doesn't appear to be mind blowingly against the laws of physics. There are no accounts of seas parting and hurricanes just disappearing into blue sky in the modern world. This isn't a lack of ability because there is no possibility in the first place. Its the "can God make a rock so big blah blah" thing.

I mean, I'm fine with people saying the bible is completely full of shit and made up nonsense, but is that really what you want to say?

How do you know what I want to say? Do you know if I've read the bible? If I support it? If I go to church? No, you have no fucking idea and are just being a cunt to me because you saw somebody not denouncing religion and decided that you wanted to be a smug cunt to them about you're so much smarter.

But I agree on the free will part. That's why I don't ever do charity work. I don't want to interfere with their free will, that would be wrong.

Providing charity to someone would not interfere with their free will. In the issue I was talking about, the idea is that God stops Nazis or something from committing evil. There's a difference in the kind of interference, when it's the level of God. We aren't talking about God mounting military force against the Nazis, we're talking about some strange situation in which God strips them of the ability to carry out their plans, using some kind of supernatural power or whatever. Such a thing is definitely at odds with free will.

Yeah.... you completely misunderstand the argument

"Yeah......" no I don't.

which frankly is not surprising considering you're a theist.

Fuck you. I didn't say any smug condescending shit like this to you.

The argument is about suffering.

No shit. And evil is a kind of suffering. Nobody said "suffering as distinguished from evil and only including natural disasters", they said suffering, which is often but not always caused by evil. I just focused specifically on evil myself. In the case of natural disasters, I don't necessarily think it would violate anybody's free will. The issue, as I already said, is that I just don't see how that's possible. If it were happening in the way you describe it, which is to say, immediate dissipation of hurricanes and so on, it would be immediately observable, but it doesn't happen. If there is some kind of providence, it has to work by other means. So, it seems you have misunderstood my argument.

God is rather the type of parent who lets their children make all the mistakes and then sends them to be tortured for the rest of eternity

Mmmmk, I'm glad you got out your "I don't like religion" rant. Not anything we were talking about, but ok. Most of your post isn't on point, it's just "I don't like religion". Great. Good for you. My comments aren't a defense of religion in it's entirety, I just made one comment on one issue and didn't even mention support or not, I just talked about the logic of Christian philosophy on that specific point. If you can't do the same, that's your shortcoming.

I will say though, and I may be mistaken, but God doesn't really "send" people to hell, right? I mean they sort of take themselves there, and only God provides a way out. And many religious people also believe that hell is not a real place. Not even a real spiritual place either, just a metaphor for the spiritual condition of somebody who's done evil. But I don't know for sure, but then again, nothing like this was ever the point being discussed.

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