Popular vacation countries.

Why Argentina for Auth Right?

A lot of former NSDAP officials (Nazis) and thousands of former members of the Wehrmacht (Heer, Luftwaffle, Kriegsmarine, Gestapo, and the Waffen Schutzelstaffel) immigrated to Latin America, which historically and currently has tens of millions of german diaspora from a variety of regions and across many generations going as far back as the 1800s, a lot of whom still speak German and practice German culture.

They basically went and joined the massive german communities in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, and of course, Argentina, they all easily assimilated, marrying other Germans, criollo whites, middle eastern Christians, mestizos, castizos, Native Americans, etc.

Thus the joke is the auth right “vacations” in Argentina since thousands of former Wehrmacht and Waffen SS made a trip to Latin America.

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