In the popular "video game" COD:MW2 in the mission "No Russian" gamers are FORCED to commit the TERRIBLE act of going through the metal scanner at the airport without listening to proper TSA guidelines. THIS IS WHAT YOUR CHILDREN PLAY

A mission from a video game isn’t going to cause an act of violence. It’s another form of entertainment and art that is along the lines of listening to music, watching movies, and reading books. All of these have been proven that they don’t cause any harm to people with a healthy mental state. And since you have this idea that a single mission that you are able to skip with a warning along with it, can cause someone to kill another human being or commit an act of violence, where is your evidence? Just because a news source of a shooting happening and they say they played video games does that really matter? No because many people play video games and not just anybody is going to be violent towards others it is because of their mental state.

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