Popular YouTube prankster MagicofRahat returns after hate/controversy of stealing fundraiser money that was donated towards a homeless man, the homeless lottery winner supposedly LIED about being scammed?!

Seems like this guy got a lesson in why "Eric" was homeless in the first place. Rahat was clearly in way over his head. It feels like he'd set up this paternalistic relationship with the guy, like he was going to manage his money and his affairs for him. For sure, the cat was in no state to manage that for himself, but neither was Rahat.

Eric is going to have complex social, substance and psychological problems best handled by a team of social workers, not a guy who makes videos on the internet for a living. You can't just expect a person with serious problems to be given all the things he couldn't hold down in the first place and then - without doing anything else really - expect him to rock up to work and get on with his American Dream. This isn't the movies, it doesn't work like that.

And, as nice as it was to do all these amazing things for a homeless person, it's still kind of exploitative. Sure, Rahat probably wanted to use his platform to do some good, but it wasn't entirely altruistic was it?

Look, I'm railing on the guy, I know. He tried to do a good thing for another human being and got absolutely fucked over for it. Nobody deserves that. But hopefully he got a valuable lesson in getting too personally invested in solving other people's problems for them.

/r/rage Thread Link - youtube.com