[Populate my World] Fungi based World

Giants and Dwarves

Nihimilacci, also known as the dwarves.

Nihimilacci are a race of short stout beings with long lifespans, hence the second name - the dwarves. In their appearance, they have two arms, with hardy hands, and two legs, their heads are oval shaped with a cap on the top. Nihimilacci are green, orange and sometimes purple. On occasion, one might see a glowing nihimilacci - such is the characteristic of a leader of the pack. Nihimilacci stand at three to four feet, however, some species may be of a surprisingly small size - 1 foot. When a dwarf dies, after a few hours their corpse starts to slowly decay, producing spores that, after a few weeks, will turn into new nihimilacci, which stand static for a month, growing to their full size before coming into a possession of a mind. This knowledge is sometimes abused in certain packs, specifically those that are in a conflict, to mass produce more nihimilacci. However, such process of creating life may be disrupted with flames. This kind of knowledge, is too, used by the dwarves, with torches, to set ablaze enemy soldiers and prevent more from growing. All in all, the dwarves lead an aggressive lifestyle due to their nature. They are an intelligent but a xenophobic and rage-filled race. Nihimilacci diet consists of everything that moves, they are hunters and overpower their victims by greatly outnumbering them. The dwarves can, in fact, live without eating, but consumption of other beings empowers them and gives them renewed strength. So vicious are the dwarves that it is not a rare sight to see one member of a pack kill another one and engage in acts of cannibalism.

There are three sub-races of the dwarves. At first examination bog-dwellers and diggers do not differ from one another, but the true difference is in the patterns of the gills under their caps. The third sub-race, the invaders, are easy to distinguish from the other two, due to their small height of one foot.

  1. Nihimilacci bog-dwellers live in swamps and bogs, they live under the water, where they burrow holes and tunnels, which serve for them as safe homes, but also as traps for those beings that tend to pass through the waters.
  2. Nihimilacci invaders are by far the smallest of the nihimilacci, standing at the average height of one foot. These dwarves are driven by a primal instinct that tells them to, invade, burrow into an organism, that is large enough to house these nihimilacci, and parasitically live off of it.
  3. Nihimilacci diggers are the most common of the dwarf sub-races. The difference in their lifestyle from the nihimilacci bog-dwellers is that diggers create holes and tunnels in the earth: in fields, in hills, etc.

Gaccihishar, also known as the giants.

Gaccihishar, the giants, are the opposite of nihimilacci, the dwarves. In appearance, they resemble large worm-like beings that stand forever upright, with six legs dug into the ground. In height, they tend to be around 50 feet, however, in some cases, they might grow extremely large and grow dozen times that size. They are thick at their base and get thinner with height. At the very top rests a round sac, which keeps the "heart" of the giant, which in truth is one to five spores. The sac detaches from the graccihishar after their death, which naturally occurs after several centuries. During their long lifetime, the giants slowly change their colors several times. Graccihishar are calm, passive beings. They can remain static for their whole life. However, if a being large enough to be felt comes into physical contact with the giant and distubs it, it will pull its legs out of the earth and flee for many hundreds of miles. This created the phenomenon of the "Running Forests". Sites that are popularized by the giants, where they endlessly stand static, like trees in a forest, but if disturbed, they all run away in a chaotic stampede. From afar it looks like a mass migration, a breathtaking sight.

/r/Worldprompts Thread