Population control in a large 3000 liter pond

So I added a peacock bass Monday after the Arowana didn't seem to be eating much. I was surprised to see they had many actually at the fish shop I go to. I picked out a large one 12 inches easily pretty greenish with black dots on his tail and a few faint strips. Anyway, he seems to set up his area in the shadows under the steps and I don't really see it much. Never got a chance to even get a video of it it came.out so rarely. Him and the Koi were fighting a bit over the corner.

Tuesday rolls around and I don't see him but wasn't around the pond much. Yesterday I lent a good hour our more over various times of day looking for it. Never say it. Tuned the filters off to let the water go calm can't find it or see it. At this point it's gone with no trace. I just don't understand no body, no mess of any sort. How does a mean 2kg fish disappear in a Koi pond with one large Oscar and a smaller one. But the Oscars are smaller then this peacock bass.

There is no place for it to jump out to. No predatory birds here in Vietnam few pigons and swallows. No animals up here I'm on the 27th floor of an apartment building.

I just so curious what the hell happened to this big ass mean fish I bought to eat the baby African Chichlids I am being over run with.

/r/Cichlid Thread