Population rose '500,000 since 2011'

4.36 We estimate that an increase of 100 foreign-born working- age migrants in the UK was associated with a reduction of 23 natives in employment for the period 1995 to 2010.

Page 64 @ https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/257235/analysis-of-the-impacts.pdf

4.9 Table 4.3 presents estimates for the impact of migrants on the wage distribution in the UK. The majority of these studies find that migrants increased wages at the top of the wage distribution but reduced wages at the bottom.

4.10 Dustmannet al. (2008) used UK data from 1997 to 2005 to estimate the impact of working-age migrants on the UK wage distribution. The results from this paper suggest that an increase of10,000 working-age migrants in the UK decreased average wages,by approximately £1 per year for the bottom 10 per cent of earners, but increased average wages for the median earner and the top 10 per cent of earners by approximately £4 per year and £5 per year respectively.

4.11 Nickell and Saleheen (2008) used data for Great Britain from 1992 to 2006 to estimate the impact of migrants on average wages by occupation group and by occupation. Their results suggest that an increase of 10,000 migrants working in semi-skilled or unskilled occupations reduced average wages in that occupation by around £8 per year, and that an equivalent increase in the number of migrants working in skilled production occupations reduced average wages by around £15 per year. Migrants were found to have had little or no impact for other occupation groups. Considering the impact by occupation, an increase of 10,000 migrants working in caring personal services is estimated to have reduced average wages in this occupation by approximately £25 per year.

Page 59

Table on page 67.

You don't notice the impact if you're middle class to upper class. Always the poor who take the burden, it's why we tend to be against more immigration.

This study I have linked references more than four dozen reports and studies, both government run and not.

/r/BritishPolitics Thread Link - bbc.co.uk