Is porn addiction a real thing?

My boyfriend did the same thing. I found out after a few months of dating. I wouldn't have been bothered until he started constantly telling me he loved me and wanted to marry me. Saw his ex text hiim a night I let him go out drinking alone with friends since I was beat from work. (I picked him up from bar, and when he set his phone on nightstand saw the name pop up with a text) He told me he always bugs him when he goes out and it was nothing. Thought nothing of it and went to bed.

A week or two later found what they were texting and we had our first fight. (he was also texting others) In his head he thinks flirting with other guys means nothing it's just something fun to do when bored. (One fight was the argument that he had sent a guy a shirtless pic and claimed it wasn't sexual) Gave him ultimatum, that it stops or I walk. It might seem fun but coming from a family that had a broken marriage and a father who constantly cheated that had me taking care of my mother, infidelity is something I won't tolerate and shying on the edge by doing everything besides performing the act doesn't cut it. It took 6mo and we've had our ups and downs but I've seen him change.

As I learned more about my bf's past and who he is as a person it became clear he needed the attention. He is very insecure and needed to know people wanted him. It was also something he and his ex's did (they'd both be flirting with other people). As i mentioned regardless of him feeling it's nothing it meant something to me and I wouldn't subject myself to being made feel less and be with someone that needs to hit on others while telling me he loves me and constantly asks when I'm proposing.

I don't think it's porn addiction i think it's the thrill of flirting and helps someone with their self worth by seeing people who are interested in them.

/r/askgaybros Thread