Porn is just not a part of my reality anymore.

Pain and suffering. Never giving up. Finding purpose. Taking physical action. I’ll tell you I’ve been fighting this for years now. I used to think superpowers were bullshit but that was because my brain was so fucked that I never got them. But now I start to feel this POWER. And you what this POWER is what us guys are supposed to normally. I thought that I need a gf too. When I started my journey I lost my virginity had my heart broken and learned a lot about women and relationships. I’ve gotten to a point now where I get more pleasure from not only abstaining from PMO but sex too. Now don’t get me wrong Ive become a total womanizer but I want a woman who can earn this dick. You can do it! We all can do it! I remember so long ago i thought I was fucked but now I’m not fucked. Trust me no matter how much you fail just keep on trying that’s all you have to do. I know it sucks but nothing worth having ever came easy. I’m not saying I’ve got all the answers either or that I got this down pat but I’ll tell you what I will DIE before I ever give up! I don’t know how old you are but we can’t keep this up we have to stop we have no choice!

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