Porn is too normalized for how unhealthy it is

As a dude in a relationship, what am I supposed to do when I wanna have sex with chicks who aren’t my girlfriend?

Can we acknowledge that 99% of dudes feel this way? We’re wired to feel this way. That isn’t changing any time soon. We wanna bang chick after chick after chick. And for gay guys, I’m sure it’s the same with dudes. That’s how our brains work. If we’re trying to pretend that we can just turn that switch off, that’s ridiculous. There’s a reason we see patterns of men being more likely to engage in sexual infidelity compared to women— which generally holds true across all cultures, time, and any other demographics.

So what are we supposed to do when we have sexual urges and our partner just isn’t satisfying us? Which is going to happen a lot. Why? Because we feel the need to fuck lots of women. Doesn’t matter how good our partner is. They could be the sexiest thing we’ve ever seen ever. Even right in that very moment. We can be completely in love with every molecule in their body. We can see a future with them. We understand we’d be ready to die for them if it really came down to it. We’d give them our time, our emotions, our sanity, and anything else. Men can be completely 100% in love with their partner….. but we still wanna fuck other chicks.

So what should we do? Go cheat on our partner? Break up with her just because we’re feeling a little horny, and have sex with someone else?

No. That’s obviously crazy. The easy solution is masturbation. Just jerk those feelings off, and go back to focusing on your partner. Very simple solution that affects literally nobody else.

So if we can accept that masturbation is okay, then what’s wrong with watching porn? It just makes it efficient and faster. Just get the job done quick so you can move on with your day, right?

And yeah, it wouldn’t make me feel great to know that my partner is masturbating to someone who isn’t me, but I can accept that, and frankly, I wouldn’t want to even know about it. That’s her business. She can masturbate to whatever she wants (well, except like kids or dead people or something). It affects no one. Whatever happens in her own head is much less important than what’s happening in the real world.

So I ask: what is the difference between jerking it to a picture of a girl who isn’t your partner, vs. jerking it while “using your imagination” and thinking about that exact picture? Why is there a difference? You’re still jerking it to the same thing. One just gets you there faster.

Obviously, I acknowledge that there are a lot of women in the porn industry who are not there by choice, at least not 100% their choice. That is absolutely a problem. But assuming the person in the porn is completely consenting to it, then what’s the harm?

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread