Pornhub says no

Hey, no worries. He actually wouldn't contact you because he's very against outside influences having an input on our relationship, but I do think he would goto therapy. I think he likes porn just as much as any guy and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it and he doesn't choose it over me. He is a little ridiculous with what he wants me to do, I didn't post all of the info and tried to just make the post vague. He wants me to dress and act like a slut and wants me to play this role for him that I'm sure he got from porn but it's not that big of an issue I guess, he's compromising with me about that. His parents are divorced but he's had the same step dad for 26 years but he's an asshole and has been abusive. He hates his mom but keeps her around to help with the kids. Idk I just think he feels like he deserves to have all of his fantasies fulfilled since life is short bla bla but it's hard for him to be sympathetic to me with what I want and don't want. I have a past of sexual abuse and suffer from ptsd because of it and he's just now starting to be more interested in talking to me about it but he doesn't think a sex therapist or any therapist would help but I disagree. Thanks for writing me, I don't expect you to give me any advice other than for us to go see one. I've actually been considering it myself since I know he's not like a typical guy. Men I've been with in the past haven't asked of me to do what he has :/

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