Possible to change amount of gold for a trade on the switch?

I meant to ask if there was an option to manually change it to a set amount of gold I want, say: 47 gold

Assuming you’re at the point where the left half of the screen has two columns displaying “My Offer,” “Their Offer” and some buttons to accept or refuse the deal or make it more equitable. Use the D-Pad to navigate to the amount you want to change and press A. This brings up a dialog box “How Many?” Use the D-Pad to go up to the numerical entry box and press A. That brings up the screen to enter specific values. Once you’ve entered your 47 there, press Plus button, to back out to the “How Many?” box. Then use D-Pad to the drop down to the blue Back button, which will take you back to the My Offer/Their Offer screen.

It’s kind of squirrel-you so I hope my explanation made sense.

BTW, you do realize you can change pretty much everything on both the offers by cycling through with the Left and Right shoulder buttons and then using the D-pad to navigate to anything you want to change.

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