Possible Covert Coup D'etat in progress

Europe has old money. Old connections. Many powerful international/Royal Societies are based in Europe(Whether Germany, France, Switzerland, UK, or various other countries). I'm from the USA. I follow its history/politics fairly closely. The USA entered WW1, and WW2, largely against its wishes, and on behalf of Europe. Before, During, and After both wars, the US has attempted to be repayed for the massive amount of Arms, and Loans given to Europe. It repeatedly got infiltrated by European interests, and never received payment for most of the loans. All that America is, is a big IOU. It's a walking time bomb, that everybody keeps going, because it is an ocean away, and it keeps everybody in Europe safe, almost FOR FREE. The Americans are the ones who do the meddling, and inherit the scorn/debt, while the European countries get the fruits.

Unfortunately, America has Unlimited FOREIGN, ANONYMOUS, INTERNATIONAL donations to political campaigns now. It's literally an auction to the highest bidder. To say that "America" controls its own destiny is silly, because all that "America" is now, is a collection of foreign interests, and a tool of the international community.

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