is it possible for deku to be a descendant of one of the ofa users like shigaraki with nana?

That's not really evidence, just random coincidence thrown together to try and make a theory. But to debunk almost all of these:

1.Horikoshi being a starwars fan is meaningless in this situation considering that if anything Shigaraki is Darth Vader and AFO is emperor Palpatine. As well as an author paying homage to another piece a work dkesbt mean they'll copy a major plot twist from it.

  1. Wow two people sit the same, they must be related.....

  2. Of course Deku doesn't know how to tie a tie, he never had anyone teach him how. His dad is pretty much absent from the story, also not being able to tie a tie is not an inherited trait is one thats learned.

  3. That literally means nothing especially when you realize that OFA isn't a quirk Deku was born with but one he inherited from someone else. Also its supposed to represent good vs evil.

  4. AFO's theme has been numerous times over things that have nothing to do with AFO. Also its supposed to represent how the villain is seeing Deku as villainous instead of heroic.

  5. Deku being able to use multiple quirks has nothing to do with him but something that happened with OFA, its literally explained in Chapter 213.

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