Is it possible for me to get something out of 'teamwork'?

Yes, working in teams is extremely beneficial because it is an unavoidable part of life, and when done right, can be extremely efficient. Yes, working in teams is usually a pain in the ass.

First of all, you can't constantly be passive aggressive at others for not pulling their weight. Don't play the blame game, it gets you nowhere and just makes you bitter. I know that better than a lot of people. That is the opposite of being a team player.

Second, good teams are built through good communication. If someone is not pulling their weight, tell them, don't tell us... If you feel a certain way about something, tell them. If you want to avoid conflict, then lead by example. If you don't want to speak up and don't want to do any of this, then tough cookies... Being a leader that is not afraid of conflict will accomplish more than a team with one gear spinning.

As smart as INTJs tend to think they are, other people will always find holes in your plans that you would have missed. People might be stupider than you, but that doesn't mean you can't learn from them. Countless times, I've hated co-workers for being lazy and not contributing, but they end up being useful to some extent.

Biting the bullet and taking over most of the work sucks but has lots of advantages. You learn a lot. You look better than your teammates when presenting. You have more control over the project and a bunch of lackeys to do the small things.

tl;dr: Communicating with the team how you feel does not make you a jerk. Don't be a pushover and speak up if you're not happy with something, or else others will always walk over you by having you do all the work.

/r/intj Thread