is it possible to love and hate drugs at the same time?

to be honest, I already know the answer to this is just scummy people do coke all day long and have successful productive lives shooting up and using needles

I've never tried it I understand the culture is similar to pot and maybe even acid a little

almost everyone that tries it gets horrifically addicted. every real addict gets to the needle stage I just don't see the point

I've never tried to understand the culture I just don't see the point do coke all day long and maybe even acid a little

Why would you ever want to do a drug that just that just makes you content and literally not care about anything?

It "feels amazing" and makes you content and literally not care about anything.

Why would you ever want to do a drug that just that just makes you content and literally not care about anything?

I already know the answer to this I understand the culture Heroin is is worse than selling your soul to the devil. do coke all day long

I've never tried it and literally not care about the culture

Just shook the bottle of ignorance a little and played around with copy paste

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