Possible proof that 08/13/2018 was D-Day.

Yes! I’m too freaked out about this to keep to myself, But I’ve been chewing on this Fire Stick puzzle for a year. I just now realized this could be a code word they chose to use in any public-facing communications.

They had what appears to me to have been a penchant for symbolism and putting on a show for those outside their trusted circle. For instance, I believe the office emails were a ham-fisted subterfuge to cover for a much longer, deeper affair, in case they were to be discovered by their employers or possibly even investigated or arrested later. A serious affair wouldn’t serve their narrative of a short term fling with no vested interests or motives or time for planning.

As for symbolic code words, many have questioned the meaning behind NK bringing up the song “Battery” with him in a text right after he disposed of his family at the Cervi 319 battery. There are other instances where it might appear they are speaking around a topic with metaphor.

I want to bring up something here that NO ONE ever talks about. Chris prided himself so much on his ability to deceive that he BRAGGED to the FBI and CBI during his interrogation that he fooled his own grade school teacher into believing he and his family went to China for the summer. In the moment where he is trying to hide a giant lie, he gives a little “harmless” lie of a child, to appear as though he is truthful and sharing everything, even the not-so-positive parts. But what he really shows is that he has been hiding his pleasure in being able to hide who he is and deceive and trick for his entire life, and takes enough joy in it that it’s front of mind and readily shared with the very people he is now deceiving with his biggest story yet!

This is all context to bolster my deep feeling that these two fed on each other’s duplicity and perceived superior intellect and almost Uber mensch attitudes that they were both unique and better than others, and recognized in each other a certain kind of Bonnie and Clyde sociopathic soulmate. Highly intelligent people with a superiority complex tend to also be sadistic and enjoy fooling those they feel contempt for. They revel in riddles and showing off their intellect by speaking openly about their devious plans in plain sight, but in code and riddle and metaphor.

My own theory is that there was a larger event originally planned, that got thwarted by 3 unexpected obstacles and brick walls (Shanann’s late flight, NA being a loyal and persistent friend, and CW not having the new passcode for SW’s iPhone). There is a reason he brought his family to his work and put his children in those battery tanks. There is a big reason to take that kind of risk. Something much bigger than hiding the evidence.

So, what if “Fire Stick” was code for “remote detonator”? I’ll let you work out my operating theory of what the original plan might have been...

I have no idea if Amazon Fire Sticks are capable of sending a signal to trigger a device, and if so, if they could effectively transmit that signal from a safe enough distance, but it doesn’t even have to be an actual Fire Stick they are talking about.

As an afterthought, this makes me think even more about the mailbox visit on CW’s return to his house and the police officer on 8/13. What if he was picking up a garage opener or SW’s ring/iPhone/iWatch, and finding himself out of time and needing to think in the fly, he drops off the “Fire Stick”....

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