Is it possible to quit heroin after trying it a couple of times? (Serious)

Sniff it. And start out very slow. You can always do more but you can't do less. Unless you're in an area with black tar, then it's a little more complicated.. But smoking it isn't a good way to start, it's very intense.

And anyone can stop using it whenever they really want. The thing is it requires willpower greater than most anyone ever had to develop before. You have to really want what chemically your body is telling you that you don't want.

I personally had used heroin for maybe 2-3 years occasionally before I really became addicted. It was a fun thing to do, but I didn't "have" to do it.

Then my best friend in the world overdosed and that night I found out I called up his dealer and got some of the stuff that killed him, trying to find out what was so good it was worth losing your life over.. what had I missed when I tried it before? And everything got better for a while. I started using more and more frequently, and then every day.. Became physically addicted, and the physical addiction to opiates is like nothing else.

Then, like I said, once it clicked in my head that the sickness was something I could remedy by doing more of it.. then she had her claws in me. For years I "tried to quit" but I was just fooling myself: what I really wanted was to just be high and not sick. I had become so used to the feeling that life without heroin became unbearable. So while I thought I was trying to quit, I really wasn't.

Recently I've developed a very deep understanding of the condition and nature of suffering and attachment, and through that became willing and able to actually put it down again. So I'm a stronger, better person because of it. Would I have made those same personal growths without having to overcome such an addiction? Who knows. It's impossible to know.

So yeah, most everybody here is going to tell you not to start, not to ever pick up, not to ever do it because it will destroy your life. I'm not like that. It's your life, you do what you want with it. I know plenty of people that I've used with that put it down and it never became a problem. I know several who have died and/or lost everything on account of this relationship. It's really a decision you have to make for yourself: Are you willing to discover that life has cheat codes? Do you trust your willpower to be able to go back to playing the game normal again after you learn to cheat?

I would suggest if you're just looking for a quick change of mental scenery, try mushrooms. If you've never done them, it will change your perspective on everything. If you've done then before, know that every time is different.

If you're looking for a substitute for life.. if you're willing to be in the most abusive relationship with the best person ever, then heroin is for you.

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