Possible reason why Blizzard isn't talking

Paul Tassi from Forbes said it best. Blizzard's playbook right now for Diablo Immortal is to "Ignore All Complaints, Rake In Money".

They are not communicating because they are very well aware that they are treating their Diablo fanbase like subhuman credit card swiping machines but they do not have any plans to do anything about that, at least for the near future, because the profits are still coming in hot. I mean they haven't even released the game to their main target audience yet which is China. So, from their point of view, there is no reason to tone down the p2w aspects or spend money/resources making new content until after they bleed Chinese players dry for as much profit as they can.

This explains why the community manager for DI released a post on Reddit not too long ago saying "expectations for new content should be focused on the battle pass". Probably all we are going to get are a new legendary gem and a cosmetic outfit and that's what Blizzard will call "content".

/r/DiabloImmortal Thread