Post-debate thread

Farage was clearly just securing his core vote, the hiv comment even though harsh has demonstrated his honesty above all else and to be fair it's the national health system it's there for people who have payed into the system you can't just expect our service to cure the world if they manage to get into our country. Better yet the points system wouldn't allow their arrival. Id much rather we sort this country out properly, reboot everything so were in a healthy financial situation enabling us to help more in the long term, then just let anyone milk us till we're dry then no one wins. I support ukip primarily because I have been alerted to what the eu is and what is going on in Europe and i expect a referendum in the next year or two. I believe we would be better of not in Europe, the commonwealth are there we are not even respected in Europe because we thankfully rejected the euro. What sums it up for me with the other parties was clegg in the eu debate last year claiming it was a 'dangerous fantasy' that the eu would have an army and its only took a year for the president to express that because apparently we need to show Russia we are serious haha. Immigration isn't a simple issue, if your on ukips side your apparently a bigot but I don't see why it's a bigoted view to have controls on your countries borders, ecspecially after the stories surrounding labours deliberate attempt to multiculturise Britain for their advantage and the subsequent attempts for them to say they made a mistake. Also what strengthens people's resolve about ukip most is the false claims that the other parties will somehow control our borders when they know full well they can't. The blatant spin in action and ukip supporters have wised up to it. Like it or not your leftie guardian ridden views (commonly) are hypocritical when a voice comes out which doesn't acquire to your taste and it's actually interesting to see in action. The 'I'm offended' generation when we live in one of the fairest most diverse countries. Makes me laugh when people say, "yeah but the edl support them" like they wouldn't support the only party with a chance of making our country independent and self-governing.

/r/BritishPolitics Thread