A Post by a Destiny "Scrub"

I can see both sides of this big discussion, and I won't comment about how to fix it, because I know little to nothing about the technicalities of it. All I know are both sides of the argument others have stated, and my own.

So I just want to say that this whole issue with sweaty crucible games isn't necessarily my issue with the topic. The problems comes when you say "play within your means" and I haven't had a goddamn drop like mida or a god roll sniper or whatever. So I automatically know that when using bad juju I can't outgun a mida at range, but I have to adjust. There's no issue in that for me, because I love the challenge of reconfiguring and figuring out something that works for me.

However, the lag issue is a huge factor in the fun of it. My overall K/D is sitting at about 1.4, coming down a bit from 1.6 a month ago. Ultimately, I don't care about kd as long as I'm having fun, but the matches I'm put into are so repetitive with builds and guns. I'm normally just a big team deathmatch/clash player. I get off on testing my gun skills against others. When it becomes a factor of, first of all dealing with lag, and second being constantly outgunned in my combat score bracket, it no longer is a fun mix of what can you do with what you have.

I have no problem losing in the crucible. That really is the truth. If I lose, but still did well, then I'm having fun. My issue comes when I not only lose, but do poorly because I couldn't figure out how to deal with mida, godroll sniper hardscoping, or laggy shotgun rushers that consistently outgun me purely on the roll they have.

I don't watch streamers, I don't play with huge groups of better players, and in general my only knowledge of how to use maps effectively is my own. Honed over many many games. I don't think I should have to go watch tips and tricks for better spots, because I play for fun, not necessarily for competitive play. Still have never even done a single match of trials of Osiris. And I'm a day one player.

I'm sorry for going on and on. I'm a little drunk, and am passionate about this because I've felt overall more stressed and less pleased about crucible recently. Its my favorite part of the game, and I feel like with the current 'meta' or whatever with guns, coupled with the increased lag I've experienced, I'm being punished for having good ability, but not caring so much for the rolls on my gear that I keep different sets for every situation. I have decent primaries for any situation, a go to shotgun, sniper, and fusion, and one PvP rocket launcher. And because I have competitive ability, I get put into matches constantly against those who take it way more seriously than I.

I'm not saying I want to stomp every game, not saying I could or did before MM changes. But I had a lot more fun when I could change up my play style every game according to the flow, and not have to contend with what's basically a couple default setups on every guardian.

I don't play this game like a job, but I'm 'good' at crucible. At least enough to most always go positive. But I don't have the time or patience (haha) to grind for specific rolls, care about what gear can get me the best loadout possible for a certain play style, I just wanna be able to play a couple hours here and there without getting enraged with lag or whatever.

That's why other games have ranked and unranked playlists. Cause sometimes you just wanna have fun. Play with some friends who might not be as good as you.

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