Post Episode Discussion - S05E09 'The Dance of Dragons'

I have to agree with you czarist... 110 percent. Ramsey is a fool, who thinks the world and everyone in it owe him something. He's a rapist and sociopath, and that's like giving him a complement. He took Winterfell, as any others would have. He's not welcomed by the people, and is totally destroying the legacy of the Stark family. Nedard, would be rolling in his grave knowing his legacy is in the hands of the Bolton's. I hope for everyone's sake that his Step Mother, has a son. That pushes him farther from being Warden of the North, afterall, him being legitimized by Tommin is not actually valid. Given that he is not the true heir and a bastard. Once Tommin has been pushed aside, any reasonable King would reinstate his name to Snow - The Bastard, who came sooo close too becoming.... nothing!!!!!

Whereas Stannis, doesn't do any of that, I'm not saying that he isn't a bit extreme. But honestly there are others that have done far worse to get what they want. Like Renly, who tried to kill his own brother, when there were two more ahead of him, what purpose did that serve? He than would have had to murder, Geoffry and Tommin (no that wouldn't be obvious) He was a gay man, and everyone knew it. He was 4th in line for the throne, he had Geoffry and Tommin than Stannis ahead of him, so he knew that he would never sit on the Throne in his lifetime.

Could you imagine Remly ruling the Seven Kingdoms, it would be a party and a fashion show! We all had an idea that Stannis would sacrifice his daughter last week. Doesn't matter how or why or if the sacrifice will actually work. He took that risk. He and his men are not acclimated for the North's weather. Especially now, with winter literally upon them. If he wants to get to Winterfell and still be alive to fight, he had to make a decision only a King can make. And really, no matter the decision of sacrifice or no sacrifice he would still be considered the bad guy for letting his men and himself die, or for putting his faith in the possibility there was still a way to survive. Stannis, whether you like him or not.... What would you do in his situation?

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