POST-Episode Discussion - S1E06 "Lethe"

Watched it. Still hating the show. I'm now hate-watching it in hopes that it will surprise me and not suck, but it continues to suck. Michael continues to be the Mary Sue "can do everything better than her adopted species and anyone in Starfleet" character with zero personality (Tilly was right about that the first time). The whole angle with Sarek sharing his Katra with her is pretty insulting. The human being able to do a mind meld because of it is ridiculous. The existence of a holodeck and food replicators is anachronistic. I honestly don't get how people can defend this show as "good Star Trek" when it's so brazenly sticking its middle finger up at everything Trek once stood for.

I'm hoping we'll get to the end of this series (hopefully within one season) and they'll hit a big old reset button to undo the entire thing so it never happened. That's the only way I can accept this in Trek continuity at all. It's a failed timeline, or a bad dream, or a really bad "historical fiction" holodeck program being run in one of Quark's holosuites in the 24th century.

I still find absolutely nobody in this crew likable. Not Tilly (overeager millennial twit kid sister cliche that she is). Definitely not Michael. Not Lorca (though we're not supposed to like him, I hope, because he sure acts like a villain). Not ANYBODY.

Trek in name only. This will never be Star Trek to me.

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