Post Episode Discussion: S4E07 - “Gimme Shelter”

  • Have they just completely given up on the going into space solution? There's no way that they'll have enough bone marrow right?
    We didn't see Raven at all this episode, so I'm pretty sure that she will still want to go in space when we see her again. I just thought that it was a bit odd how quickly they gave up on that.
    With less fuel they will no longer have a perfect landing with 100% cargo intact and 100% passengers intact, but I think that they will still have enough to bring back a bunch of night blood.

  • I'm not a big fan of Bellamy suddenly propping himself up above Octavia, or of how fast he's been forgiven for everything that he's done.
    He's not entirely wrong when he says that "you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved", I just don't think that he's earned the right to say stuff like that.
    (Once again he was doing everything for the wrong reasons, the kid was one of the 100, he couldn't save his sister but he could save them, etc. When is Bellamy going to learn how to do the right things for the right reasons!!?!!?!?)
    I'm honestly hoping that they'll kill him off soon.

  • Overall I liked Octavia's arc this episode, I would be upset about her sudden hookup with Illian is I thought that it was going to last, but I don't think that so I don't really mind, especially since we got to see her in her underwear ;p
    My one complaint is that she left her knifes behind, I can understand why she wants to stop killing people all the time, but it's still a dangerous world and it's still important to be able to defend yourself.

  • Emori's con was brilliant, she really is a perfect match for Murphy!
    The guy did try to kill her so it's not even too morally questionable IMO, especially since his sacrifice will potentially help save all of them.

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