post-graduation depression Starter Pack

Life time reddit lurker here. Since when "le rage" comics were getting big. While this is meme has truth and this was me for many difficult months until recently, you ARE in control of your future. Don't accept defeat. I am sure many, in addition to post graduation uncertainty, have a lot of other things they are dealing with. Surely many worse than mine. It is very difficult to pull yourself up and deal with the fear and sadness that such heavy uncertainty can bring.

However, if you've graduated college and are young, which I understand isn't everyone, you have more control than you think. What do you like to do? What are your passions? Think about this and what it means to you. Take whatever steps you can to even come near something you are passionate about. This may require some research. Reaching out to strangers is a good thing, people want to talk about what they do and to know they may have had an impact. Does that mean taking an entry level job for six months to a year to pay the bills, gain experience, etc? Maybe. But if you're like me, you're still young, you have a college degree and if you truly want to do something meaningful, even if only to escape the crushing feeling of a future as an office slave, SOMEONE will notice.

Is it going to be easy? Probably not. You may be uncomfortable. You may question yourself and have times of despair. It won't happen overnight. And still nothing is certain. You may have to wrestle with the fear of failure and feeling that you aren't good enough.

Even if you only take one step towards SOMETHING in a day, you're still taking a step in some kind of direction. Do some soul searching. Reach out to strangers, try to grind in any way you can. Don't compare yourself to the successes or failures of others. At the least, keep your mind and your body active throughout each day. Depression is real and if you're not careful it will reach out from the black abyss and pull you down with it.

Even if no one reads this and I've done a foolish thing putting this rant on the internet, I saw this post and felt compelled to comment because I know so many people are going through the same thing, and I know it's beyond feelings of privilege or some first world problem. Not to say that isn't a factor, but you can't help who you were born to or where you've been. You can only take control of the present moment, right now, and realize that you can determine your future, and it can be good.

Anyways, these are just my opinions in the form of an informal, disorganized rant. My first on the internet. I hope someone sees this and finds some comfort in it.

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