I would say that it is toxic, but at the same time I think the reason it looks so toxic is mua has the circle jerk and here and so many little offshoots that it's a lot easier for people close-to but critical of the subreddit to find the faults.
Issues get blown up on cj, looped round to be discussed on mua and become discussion points on here. If people hadn't pointed out the prevalence of dip brow therefore causing dip dip then it would stay as a common but irksome feature of mua. As it stands it's a kind of symbol for the cult like nature of the place.
I'm mostly on mua and ffa, and of the two I would say ffa is far more toxic but because there isn't a community of parody for its faults they stay under the surface until someone blatantly asks on the subreddit about a certain attitude, then it gets far more ugly far more quickly. Where the CJ provides a sense of "these are the faults. Let's make humour from the faults" it's almost accepted that yes the community is quite toxic and people will agree if you bring an issue up. Whereas I've seen people bringing legitimate problems with ffa up, or even simply ask meta questions that aren't praising of the subreddit, like are there any ffa trends people don't like, only be publicly attacked by the mods. Which to me is far more insidious.
I prefer to post on a subreddit that can be widely acknowledged as somewhat toxic because then its faults are in the open and you have a sense of awareness of what to be mindful of than a subreddit with toxicity bubbling below the surface that leaves a lot of people afraid to question it. Obviously I would prefer to post on a non toxic community, but I find that difficult to find on the internet. A community where large swathes of its users are aware of and take time to parody the toxicity is at least one where you know exactly what you're dealing with.