Post-Pontiff cancerous miracle gankers

I don't hate on miracles, I'm just little bit annoyed about them at this particular fight. Just look at constant Wrath and Lightning Stake spam, I couldn't do anything at the melee range most of the time. Healing couldn't be punished, they covered each other all the time, so no backstabs. Without ToD it's much harder to survive pontiff ganks as invader.

BUT you always had help and never played 2vs1?? No, I played 2v1, 3v1, 4v1 many times (I've invaded thousands of times, have 699+699+300 tongues on three characters), but at this invasion 2v1 couldn't be safe because they use short-range and long-range miracles, coordinate their attacks via voice chat. It could be an instant death in 2-3 seconds after one my mistake (example at 2:30). And the key to successful multiple vs 1 is trying to make it multiple 1v1.

I don't complain, It was 14 minutes of fun. Thanks.

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