This Post probably won't go over very well? Blood test came back. 2210 test level!!

Ok man. So you have some magic over the counter test booster that does not only restart your suppressed HPTA while on test and somehow tricks your body’s testosterone negative feedback look, but it also kicks your testes in overdrive and outshines injected testosterone.
How do you expect anyone that knows even the basics of trt to believe any of this stuff?? Just because you posted a couple of blood tests????

I’ll take a wild guess. Your test that shows 200 was taken a week after you injected your weekly dose and that is why it’s so low. Makes sense as your shbg is atrocious!
Then you took another test maybe a day after your inkection and then it came back at 2200.
You see this makes sense!!
Not some test booster off amazon. Jeeez man!

/r/Testosterone Thread Parent