This post at r/exmormon reminds me that I look forward to the day when the work of forensic accounting can begin in earnest. No criticism of those looking to change Mormon consciousness by other means, but my sense is that ultimately the org's greatest fear is an utterly mundane accountability.

She mentioned that she and Rock had met with a man recently with a briefcase full of documents proving the evil nature of the brethren. She said, "If you were to read even one of the things I read you would immediately lose any faith that they still hold the keys. The brethren are more evil that you could imagine."

ROCK'S RESPONSE: "Hey guys, I didn't make any such accusations. What I can tell you is I have seen what purport to be affidavits that I have no way of confirming the veracity of. The problem with such evidence (and yes, I have heard other stories that are even more incredible, but which lack documentation) is that the persons making the claims still depend upon Church pensions for their retirement and are afraid that if theyh speak out, that retirement will evaporate.

Ok let me get this straight.

The people in this sub routinely use this place as a pseudo-graveyard/stomping ground to condemn the Mormon church and ridicule TBMs for being gullible enough to believe in the Mormon Church. Maybe not directly but let's not be disingenuous. You all know that's exactly what you do, through back-handed remarks and linkbombs to all your evidences that it's a hoax. We all know you do it.

But despite that you're going to believe this horseshit?

These people claim to have met with a guy who has a briefcase - A FUCKING BRIEFCASE, THE MOTHER OF ALL CLICHÉS - of stuff proving the Church is a farce, but they don't want to be the whistleblowers because they're worried about pensions?

Because of course, the book deals, and the appearances on Oprah, and Ellen, and the Tonight Show, and 60 Minutes, and even fucking BBC Newsnight and Panorama or Al Jazeera and RT; even after all that, with the infamy that would come from being the guys that took down the global juggernaut of LDS Church, with kickbacks on their kickbacks; even after all that, they're worried about their retirement?

And you people believe that claim by a guy who's flailing to the last to try and discredit the people who are discrediting him?

And you can't spot the vested interest in him making up such a story, to say nothing of the absurdity of those claims?

And you persist in laughing at others who believe in other absurd claims to the tune of winding them up on a subreddit you check in on regularly?

all my lol oh my god

/r/mormon Thread Link -