Post your favorite build!

I'm a bit of a min maxer.. but anyway, my solo non-lone wolf character on tactician (I found solo lone wolf too easy so I challenged myself to do it without lone wolf), as Fane:

Attribute points go mostly into wits for extra initiative - it's absolutely crucial that you have the highest initiative with this build. Enough points in memory to pick up the skills important to you, and whatever's leftover goes into finesse (Finesse ends up being higher than memory of course, but the skills that are necessary are really necessary and you can't drop your memory for more finesse)

5 points polymorph (once you can get apotheosis, 3 points between skin graft and apotheosis, 1 point before skin graft), 5 points huntsman (once you can learn arrow storm, only 2 points up until then), 2 points scoundrel, 2 points aerotheurge (eventually, early on you just use the teleportation gloves for teleport but eventually you'll level aerothurge to pick up some other skills too), and the rest of the points into warfare (pick up 1 warfare early on for battering ram and battle stomp, but after that you'll be focusing on picking up important skills before leveling up warfare more).

Talents (in order): Glass Cannon The Pawn Mnemonic (optionally pet pal at this point if you really want to) Other talents can be more or less whatever - it's not a huge deal. What a rush is a good talent if you can be bothered to reduce yourself to low health before the start of each fight.

Oh, also pick up the spider's kiss for -2 constitution +2 wits, because constitution doesn't really matter on this build.

Some notes about equipment: Your armor/magic armor doesn't really matter very much. With this build if you're being hit I'm assuming you're dead in most cases. It's slightly relevant for dealing with enemies that have retribution, but that's about all - so you can use outdated gear as long as they have the right stat buffs on them (+initiative, +wits, and +damage, or if you don't mind respeccing when you replace your gear then equipment that gives skill points you need for your utility skills are useful too). If you aren't abusing the bug that lets you stay an elf permanently, it's still worth wearing the mask of the shapeshifter to be an elf instead of having an actual helmet - flesh sacrifice is that good.

Skills: In the early game, the absolute most important skills (the bread and butter of this build for the entire game really) are adrenaline and chameleon cloak. After that pick up battle stomp, battering ram, chicken claw, backlash, and once possible pick up cloak and dagger and tactical retreat.

More or less the gist of the build is to use adrenaline + attack stuff a bunch turn 1, then chameleon cloak at the end. 2 turns later you delay turn, then you get 2 back to back turns, and if possible you try to break all of the enemies armor and CC them - if not possible, then just try to kill as many enemies as you can and then try to avoid being hit by falling back, CCing nearby enemies and taking cover from ranged attacks, and repeat whenever chameleon cloak comes off cooldown. Time warp is useful at pretty much any point, but it's preferable to use it while chameleon cloak is on cooldown in most cases as it reduces the cooldown on chameleon cloak.

Later in the game, you'll get skin graft which lets you cloak an extra time - this doesn't really fundamentally change the way the build is used just yet, but it's a big power boost letting you do 2 extra turns worth of damage before you become vulnerable. Try to time skin graft with adrenaline so you can use adrenaline -> skin graft -> adrenaline -> chameleon cloak ideally (if you use adrenaline turn 1, then time warp after the first chameleon cloak ends adrenaline should be off cooldown on the extra turn so you can skin graft then).

This build shifts into something much much more ridiculous once you can get apotheosis and arrow storm. At this point you should be sure to have teleportation, nether swap, blessed smoke cloud - a lot of your previous abilities stop being important at this point, chicken claw and backlash in particular (battle stomp and battering ram would theoretically be good if any fights were difficult enough to need them, but the fights will not last long enough for you to need CC), and of course pick up apotheosis and arrow storm too.

Now, more or less the guide to this build once you have that:

Turn 1: Use teleportation and nether swap to start moving enemies together, adrenaline, do whatever with your leftover AP (but don't spend source points yet) then chameleon cloak - optionally if you aren't soloing you can skip the adrenaline here, but if you're soloing there's no reason to hold onto it.

Turn 2: End turn immediately or only reposition (optionally delay turn if you aren't soloing) Turn 3: Delay turn, then use Apotheosis + flesh sacrifice + arrow storm + do whatever with the last 2 AP Turn 4 (immediately after turn 3 since you went last in round 3 and first in round 4): Use nether swap to try to cluster enemies closer together again, time warp, do whatever with leftover AP.

Turn 5 (your 3rd turn in a row because time warp, arrow storm comes off cooldown since it's 2 AP, adrenaline and teleportation comes off cooldown): Teleport another enemy into the cluster of enemies, adrenaline, arrow storm, skin graft, flesh sacrifice, adrenaline, arrow storm again - the enemies are probably all dead at this point considering you've used 3 arrow storms on them already, but if they aren't use blessed smoke cloud with your last action point to go invisible. At this point you shift into more or less the same strategy you used before apotheosis + arrow storm (switch back to using daggers while invisible if there are enemies still alive - switching items does not break invisibility) - delay turn while invisible, then get 2 back to back turns etc. - chameleon cloak is still off cooldown since you used blessed smoke cloud, so you can immediately go invisible again after getting your 2 back to back turns. If you really need to you can also use source vampirism to get source points back - you can stay permanently invisible as long as there are enough corpses to get source points from by alternating between chameleon cloak and blessed smoke cloud too (and how wouldn't there be enough corpses after 3 arrow storms) - but honestly, the enemies are almost certainly all dead at this point so it's kind of just overkill at that point.

/r/DivinityOriginalSin Thread