Posted on r/incels this is where I draw the fucking line. Just because you think you have it worse doesn’t mean other people have it better. Hating women to the extent that you belittle their struggles is fucked up

/r/incels is just propaganda to make people think discrimination is cool.

My take on this topic and without defending that post:

The truth with the comparison between female and male mental health does have individual differences by sex. I have spoken to several males who have been shutdown calling a suicide line just for being a male over a certain age - in a lot of cases men are not taken seriously. The suicide rate in men is higher than females, yet a lot of mental health care is provided only for youth and women, not men, even in countries where mental health care is important.

Besides having a higher chance of being shutdown, alot of men are emotionally repressed and are not able to open up, considering they have to be the "strong one" and that's totally unfair. Being gay I feel like I have been given a chance to speak up more than any straight male friends of mine. Realistically, I do think society has made it more socially acceptable for most people to speak up if they're around the right people. It's clear the loud voices of repressed minds harmed the process at a time where the original feminist wanted men to have equal individual rights as well.

Overall; Everyone should be listened to, be provided with services, respected, never shutdown.

/r/mentalhealth Thread Link -