I posted a picture of my weight loss in a sub, was proud of it cause it was related to mental issues : received a ton of messages from horny dudes. I deleted the picture.

Welcome to the world. Boys be thirsty.

I play some mobile games and they're even like that not knowing if you're really a female or not - and there's no pictures.

I did chat tech support and they'd be hitting on you. One guy even threatened me with giving a bad survey if I didn't give out my info. I said I'll take the bad survey. Fuck I'm still mad about that one.

Oh and when people were still ordering porn off Pay-Per-View, they'd call in and try to get us to read the titles. And you could hear them pre-jerking off with the twap sounds and heavy breathing.

We weren't supposed to hang up on customers but min wage isn't enough for harrassment.

Not all men are gross but a good handful of them are - don't let that ruin your day!

I'm sure you look/feel awesome! And that is really all that matters.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread