Postpartum weight loss

Sounds like you are on the right track. Take it slow, one step at a time. Even yoga! I was only cleared to do yoga by my pelvic floor physiotherapist starting around 6mo PP. Everyone's journey is different. Don't try to compare yourself to others. Listen to your body and go at a pace that is suitable for you. Maybe you are ready to start yoga and don't have to wait like I did but I strongly recommend getting that evaluation done by a physiotherapist so you know what is and isn't suitable for you at this stage.

When it comes to breastfeeding your early experience is normal. It can take a few days to a week for your milk to come in and just as long (if not longer) for you and baby to get comfortable with latching. I highly recommend seeing a lactation consultant. They helped me adjust my hold in light of my csection and gave me lots of great tips to improve latch

/r/beyondthebump Thread