Potential Baccharis halimifolia bonsai (description in comments)

I've been lurking the subreddit and researching bonsai methods online for a while now, and am considering making my first project. Also a botanist so I find this a really intriguing concept.
I have had my eye on this young Baccharis halimifolia (groundsel tree, sea myrtle, silverling) for a while. It's a small tree/bush native to the southeast US (where I live) and has some decent bonsai potential. This little guy has been here for about three years now, and is in an area that gets mowed & walked frequently, so it's already been stunted. Before the lot was mowed again yesterday, I dug it up and temporarily potted it (will put it in the ground soon).
So, I'd like to know if anyone has advice on working with this plant in this situation. Is it best to put it back in the ground for a few years and let it fill out a bit, or would working with it in this state be possible? Does anyone by chance have any experience with this species? Any feedback would be appreciated. Sorry if this doesn't warrant its own post, but I think it fits better here.

Thanks in advance!

/r/Bonsai Thread Link - i.redd.it