Potential BL3 Art Leak

everything they said lines up with what's in these two images.

no it doesn't. all they said was that the soldier can summon a mech, which can aquire a second turret for other players to mount. they didn't drop a name or anything else at all, other than being out of alpha.

and when i said "why are you taking this "leak" as fact?" i meant the picture you posted, not the know.

I'm correcting you? You said Matt said it first

no, he didn't say it lines up. i did. he said that his sources claim it's the beastmaster.

They might be out of Alpha now, sure, but when these two images were made, they might not have been. Imgur dates the album back to early October at least, and they were probably taken much longer ago than that.

also take into account that the gunner was first shown off over a year ago. if her model was finnished back then, why wouldn't the others be? and even if you're right, why would they use her model in official artwork rather than drawn artwork like the rest?

i would also adivse you to take a much much closer look at the "operative", and compare him to the beastmaster. he doesn't quite look like official detailed artwork. his face and shoulder does, but everything else looks a bit poorly drawn.

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