[potential spoiler?] Be honest: Do you like Lea or...?

No. I really don’t like the character. I did try my best to like her. She would have been good and likeable as a swoop in swoop out character coz she is super fun but I find her too whiny and nasally, so don’t like her as a mainstay. She’s pretty and also believable as Shaun’s crush but anything more than that, no. The recent terrible behavior from Shaun did gain her some sympathy points but I think if they really wanted Shaun to get some real perspective and major struggle they do need to remove this character. If not, I would hope the producers and writers take the opportunity for Lea to emerge as a character who stands by her words and put Shaun in his place by emphasizing that she does not owe him anything and that no means no, he needs to respect that. No negotiations.

On a side(ish): While I fully agree with that the American version should have their own stories and development from the Korean one (different cultures after all), I felt the one thing they should have kept is the one singular character that was meant to have been Shaun’s endgame. In the Korean version, Lea and Claire were the same character (neighbor was also the love interest colleague). There are just too many characters now and IMO Shaun has no romantic chemistry with any current characters.

/r/thegooddoctor Thread