Potentials and parents

Hey! I moved to London in my mid-20s, from the very opposite end of the country. I moved for work, but met my now-husband 2 months later. I’ve been married for almost 7 years now.

I see my parents maybe every other month (they travel here, I travel there). Yes it wasn’t easy at first, but with FaceTime etc it’s very easy to keep in touch.

My honest take is, when you get married, that’s your new ‘core’ immediate family, you and your husband (and any kids you may have). So insha’Allah you won’t feel alone. A lot of people move away from their hometown and do just fine. In my office almost everyone is from a different country, moved here in their 20s and settled down.

However if that’s something you truly don’t feel you can cope with, there are so many Muslims in London you can marry - if you’ll find one as good/decent as this one seems to be? I can’t tell you that. But there are plenty out there for sure.

Good benefits of moving up north are more affordable housing, less crime, cleaner air, more affordable to be a SAHM if you want to in future etc. We just moved a bit out of London recently for these reasons ourselves.

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread