"Power Abuse in NADotA - Bulba" by RyuuDota

Here I am just waiting until we start singling out every pro player who has ever said anything bad in public games. There are maybe only couple of pro players who have never said anything bad in public games.

First it will start by someone linking some old screenshot or chatlog of old public game where some current pro said something racists. Then people are like blaming their teams and saying "you knew about this behavior and still let him represent your organization!". Then comes those who will debate wether telling someone to kill themselves is as bad as being xenophobic or using racials slurs and then comes screenshots of those pro players who have said "kill yourself" to someone in their game. Then rest of the pro players are crossing their fingers and praying that no one has any proof when they said something inappropriate.

Maybe Bulba is somehow especially bad in this regard and deserves to be singled out. But cmoon gaming culture is especially shitty place and everyone knows it. Just because someone is talented enough to become pro doesn't mean they would be any better. And for example every pro player is bullying people in ranked matchmaking in sense that they will rarely let some no-name player with lower mmr take their preferred role and if they take it anyway then those pro players will actually flame and behave toxicly against that person.

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent Link - twitlonger.com