[Power] [CAD] Simulating Power Pulse generator in LTspice

My screen capture displays the voltage at the load (testnode). You can see this at the top of the waveform box, it's V(N003) the green trace. The other waveform (blue trace) is V(N011) the input to the mosfet driver IC.

I used your parameters for V1 and don't see the same results as your simulation. Did you save the file and re-open it after making modifications? Sometimes LTspice doesn't update the net file as it should on the fly.

Then I noticed your transient analysis parameters look weird, how can this be? ".tran 0 60ms 60s" I think there's a problem with that. Try again with simulation command box empty except for stop time 60mS. No boxes checked, no zeros entered. You should see ".tran 60mS" in the schematic box.

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