Is it PPD or does having a newborn just kinda suck?

That's the thing I think, if your baby is sleeping normally and only crying because they are hungry and needing a diaper change or a cuddle, there must still be some varying stages of exhaustion, but when you litterally have not slept 2 consecutive hours in 3 months - or 6, or whatever, it REALLY screws you up physically and emotionally. On top of that, imagine hearing a baby crying hysterically 24/7, imagine trying to offer your baby milk which they constantly vomit, imagine spending all day trying to pump your milk and sitting on your bathroom floor sobbing when your baby yet again vomited your milk (or the formula, at that point, she was vomiting everything)... Honestly those were long, dark hours. We ran from doctor to doctor and held our breath till we were blue in the face. We were told it'd get better, and it did. Maybe medication might have taken the edge off during this dark period. Who knows. I was once diagnosed with general anxiety and was medicated for that - so I had a hunch that I was actually "fine" and it was just circumstantial and I did have my doctor on standby to write me a prescription.

I had people tell me every day I was at risk for PPD, one girl even told me I was fine "today but tomorrow you might attempt to kill your baby", while I understand PPD is serious and it does get bad, fast, unexpectedly, it really did get to me that people were constantly telling me these things when all I needed was a shoulder to cry on and HELP WITH MY BABY.

Hugs. It's not easy for any of us, no matter how easy the baby is.

/r/beyondthebump Thread Parent