PPWomen of Reddit, has there ever been a certain man in your life who has shaped which men you find attractive?

I think so.

I've had this dude friend my entire life. Like, we've been close since we were infants and remain close at the age of 35 with no significant gaps in visits/communication. He's beyond best friend, much more like family.

We've never been romantically involved in any way. Closest we ever got to a date was him accompanying me to the senior prom just long enough to take pictures because our mothers insisted we go.

When I began dating, I noticed that I favored men who either looked a bit like him or reminded me of him in some other way. He's pretty unique looking so I don't believe this to be a coincidence.

Probably a comfort thing. He was the first and still most significant non family male relationship in my life, and I associate him with all kinds of good feelings like safety, vulnerability, security closeness, and loyalty.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread